As always, we are super excited to bring support for new devices to reWASD, the more the merrier. With this release, you can remap every button on Flydigi Apex 1 & 2, Vader 2, and Vader 2 Pro. We mean it, yes, every button on the listed controllers is remappable, including rear additional ones. So grab your newly-supported controller, to use all of the amazing reWASD features right away! We are happy to cooperate with Flydigi and bring even more devices to reWASD.
Exactly as it sounds, reWASD 6.1 brings you major changes in the way Shift mode works. With this version, you can use multiple different keys to Jump to one Shift layer, and back to Main mappings, set a Delayed Shift change, Jump between Shifts with no need to open the Main layer. You can even set Jump to Shift to any digital control, including Shortcuts and Activators!
However, if you feel nostalgic you can always use the old scheme: visit Preferences — General. We have so many more things planned for Shift mode in the future, and if you have some ideas, we would be glad to hear from you 🙂
If you can’t find Unmap in reWASD after the update, don’t panic, it’s still there! With reWASD 6.1 you can Mute the input on your devices. Wondering where the Gamepad mapping menu has gone? It’s disguised as Native menu now. There are some more cool things to improve your navigation with arrows showing the options that lead you to the next or previous menu. Activators also got something handy: you will see a dot near the Activator icon if you have added any mappings there.