Remap NVIDIA SHIELD controller on PC, try reWASD Overlay, and more fun stuff!

Try reWASD powers to use SHIELD controller on PC

Try reWASD powers to use SHIELD controller on PC

Our team is always excited to bring the support for new devices, and this time, reWASD presents NVIDIA SHIELD controller customization on PC! Now you can modify the SHIELD controller layout using all the amazing features reWASD has. Change the way analog controls behave, disguise your gamepad as Xbox or DualShock virtual controller, spice up the layout with some Key Combos or Rapid Fire mappings… If you look for something simple, mute the controller input completely, and add keyboard and mouse binds to it! Anything is possible, if you’re curious enough :)

The only thing that is keeping you from testing reWASD with the SHIELD controller on PC is downloading the newest version, there’s no more time to waste!

Keep your hand on the pulse with Desktop Overlay

Keep your hand on the pulse with Desktop Overlay

The Overlay will definitely make your life easier. For starters, you will see notifications when the state of remap changes, and when you swap Shift layers or Slots. But hold on, there’s more! You don’t need to open a tester to check your Virtual controller mappings, do it right on the spot: just press the needed shortcut, and you’ll see a tester that will show how everything reproduces.

We know sometimes it’s hard to remember what mappings you are using. Now you can take a peek at the current config without opening the interface: click the shortcut, and the Overlay will reveal the applied layout. Sidenote, our Overlay works flawlessly with any game in Windowed mode, and we would appreciate any feedback concerning this novelty. Don’t hesitate to get back to us :)

So I mentioned fun stuff…

So I mentioned fun stuff…

Even though there’s plenty of it in reWASD already, here is some more. Multiselect in the Key Combo editor: select multiple nodes; Copy & Paste them in the current combo, or to another one; drag the selected nodes to the place where they truly belong, or remove all of them at once. Good news for Nintendo controller owners, reWASD 5.7 brings the Home LED customization: tune the brightness, enable the low-battery warning and customize it, and make your controller indicate the Shift or Slot change. French localization is also added to reWASD in this release, yay!

And for those who only start to use the NVIDIA SHIELD controller on PC (and for all others), we have added numerous improvements in the GUI, so we hope you will have fun remapping your gamepads, keyboards and mice. If not, we are always open to suggestions ;)
